Deutsches Ozeanographisches
Datenzentrum Inventur der Meteor-Reise M144-1 (DOD-Ref-No.20180035)
Inventory of Meteor Cruise M144-1 (DOD-Ref-No.20180035)

Working area
Meteor M144-1 27.12.2017 - 18.01.2018   Mediterranean Sea  

Chief Scientist
Port of departure
Port of return
Station map
Pross Jorg Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg Heraklion Catania   

Ziel der Reise / Objectives of Cruise:

In light of anthropogenic climate change and its effects on future societies, the question to what extent short-term climate forcing has influenced past sociocultural evolution has increasingly shifted into the focus of both scientific and public interest. The Aegean region is uniquely suited to investigate linkages between climatic forcing and potential sociocultural response; it represents not only a cradle of modern civilization and has yielded a unique record of prehistoric to historic cultures, but also exhibits extreme sensitivity to abrupt climatic and environmental change throughout the Holocene (i.e., the past 11.700 years). In the Aegean region, however, clarification of causal links between climate and ecosystem change on the one hand and sociocultural evolution on the other hand has yet been hindered by the scarcity of sufficiently long, temporally highly resolved, and precisely dated region-specific 'master records' of climatic and environmental change that can be aligned with the archeological record. The planned expedition with the research vessel METEOR to be undertaken by an international team of geoscientists and archeologists from Germany, Greece, Italy, and the United States will circumvent existing limitations via the novel approach of analyzing marine sediment cores from coastal settings off archeological sites for their terrestrial and marine environmental signals. Via the generation of state-of-the-art geochemical (e.g., element geochemistry, stable and radiogenic isotopes, biomarkers) and biotic (e.g., pollen, fish teeth, calcareous nannoplankton, foraminifera) proxy data, the cores will yield regionally differentiated reconstructions of terrestrial and marine environmental change in the Aegean region throughout the Holocene in unprecedented detail. Integration of these data with the region's unique archeological record will allow detailed assessment of how climatic and environmental change interacted with socioeconomic evolution and human resource demands. The work areas for the proposed R/V METEOR expedition have been selected such that they fully meet the scientific requirements of (i) yielding records with exceptionally high sedimentation rates for the Holocene (i.e., the past 11,700 years) in close proximity to prominent archeological sites; this necessitates operations in coastal and near-coastal waters. (ii) yielding records with lower sedimentation rates, but of longer duration (i.e., approximately 25,000 years) in order to record the full range of climatic and environmental background conditions realized in the Aegean region; this necessitates operations in open, offshore waters. Data collected via: CTD, gravity corer, kasten corer, multicorer, multi-closure net, parasound

Messungen / Measurements

Typ der Messungen
Type of measurements
Daten im DOD
Data in DOD
GPITB Schulz Hartmut 16 stations B09
Zooplankton samples taken with multiple closing net no
UNI-HD Bahr Andre 1 stations D90
Other physical oceanographic measurements
Sound velocity profile (XSV) no
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 1 stations D90
Other physical oceanographic measurements
Sound velocity profile (XSV) no
UNI-HD Bahr Andre 11 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Kasten Corer no
UNI-HD Bahr Andre 11 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Multicorer no
UNI-HD Bahr Andre 43 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Gravity Corer no
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 11 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Kasten Corer no
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 11 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Multicorer no
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 43 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Gravity Corer no
UNI-HD Bahr Andre 1574 km G74
Multi-beam echosounding
Multibeam yes
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 1574 km G74
Multi-beam echosounding
Multibeam yes
UNI-HD Bahr Andre 1574 km G75
Single channel seismic reflection
Parasound yes
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 1574 km G75
Single channel seismic reflection
Parasound yes
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 1 n miles G90
Other geological or geophysical measurements
EM122, Parasound yes
UNI-HD Bahr Andre 16 stations H09
Water bottle stations
Filtration of sea water collected with CTD rosette no
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 16 stations H09
Water bottle stations
Filtration of sea water collected with CTD rosette no
UNI-HD Bahr Andre 25 stations H10
CTD casts with parameters T, S, Chl a, diss. Oxygen no
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 25 stations H10
CTD casts with parameters T, S, Chl a, diss. Oxygen no
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 1 n miles H80
Other physical measurements
Underway measurements during the whole trip such as coordinates, depth, meteorological parameter and so on yes
UNI-HD Pross Jorg 1 meas. M06
Routine standard measurements
Analyse, meteorologische Daten, SatBilder, Trajektorien, Wetterberichte yes