Deutsches Ozeanographisches
Datenzentrum Inventur der Meteor-Reise M68-3 (DOD-Ref-No.20060176)
Inventory of Meteor Cruise M68-3 (DOD-Ref-No.20060176)

Working area
Meteor M68-3 12.07.2006 - 06.08.2006 SOLAS
NE Atlantic (Limit 40?W)  

Chief Scientist
Port of departure
Port of return
Station map
Kotzinger Arne Leibniz-Institut fur Meereswissenschaften an der Universitat Kiel Mindelo Las Palmas   

Ziel der Reise / Objectives of Cruise:

The cruise combines a wide spectrum of biological, chemical and physical oceanography as well as atmospheric chemistry under a regional focus on the Mauritanian Upwelling. This region is characterized by important SOLAS-relevant phenomena and processes which have major influence on substances (iron, nutrients, CO2, volatile halocarbons) and processes (nitrogen fixation, ocean-atmosphere exchange). Upwelling regions in major dust deposition areas can be viewed as biogeochemical reactors which are fuelled simultaneously by vertical supply of macro and micro nutrients from the mesopelagial below and the atmosphere above. At the same time, these regions provide means of ventilation of radiatively and chemically active trace gases (e.g., CO2, nitrous oxide, bromoform) which are produced sub-surface. The resulting flux densities are sometimes magnitude larger than in the oligotrophic background waters Sampling strategy: hydrographic survey with stations (typically only upper 1000 m) along zonal transects (18?N, 18,5?N, 19?N, 19,5?N, ~20?N) from the open ocean onto the Mauritanian shelf. Additionally six 24h drift Langrangian experiment were carried out with continuous underway and regular CTD sampling at the drifter. Underway measurements on pumped surface and air were performed throughout the cruise. Sampling: CTD/LADCP, ship ADCP, GoFlo samplers, plankton nets, microstructure profiler, underway seawater sampling, air and aerosol sampling.

Messungen / Measurements

Typ der Messungen
Type of measurements
Daten im DOD
Data in DOD
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations B01
Primary productivity
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles B01
Primary productivity
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations B02
Phytoplankton pigments (e.g. chlorophyll, fluorescence)
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles B02
Phytoplankton pigments (e.g. chlorophyll, fluorescence)
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations B06
Dissolved organic matter (e.g. DOC)
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles B06
Dissolved organic matter (e.g. DOC)
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations B07
Pelagic bacteria / micro-organisms
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Peeken Ilka 19 hauls B08
Vertical phytoplankton net hauls no
IFMGEO Peeken Ilka 27 hauls B09
Vertical zooplankton net hauls no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations B71
Particulate organic matter (e.g. POC, PON)
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles B71
Particulate organic matter (e.g. POC, PON)
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations B90
Other biological / fishery measurements
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles B90
Other biological / fishery measurements
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Dengler Marcus 2500 n miles D03
Currents measured from ship drift
Shipboard ADCPs 38 KHz and 75 KHZ no
IFMGEO Dengler Marcus 211 profiles D90
Other physical oceanographic measurements
Microstructure profiler no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne - n miles G74
Multi-beam echosounding
Multibeam echosounding, EM 120/710 yes
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 1 stations H00
- yes
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H09
Water bottle stations
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H10
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses yes
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H17
Optics (e.g. underwater light levels)
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H21
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H21
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H22
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H22
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H23
Total - P
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H23
Total - P
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H24
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H24
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H25
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H25
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H26
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H26
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H27
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H27
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H30
Trace elements
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Croot Peter 9 casts H30
Trace elements
GoFlo casts for trace metal clean seawater sampling no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H33
Other dissolved gases
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H33
Other dissolved gases
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H71
Surface measurements underway (T, S)
Thermosalinograph no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H73
Geochemical tracers (e.g. freons)
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H74
Carbon dioxide
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H74
Carbon dioxide
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
IFMGEO Kortzinger Arne 1 n miles H80
Other physical measurements
Underway measurements during the whole trip such as coordinates, depth, meteorological parameter and so on yes
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 55 stations H90
Other chemical oceanographic measurements
CTDO2/LADCP station, water sampling for various chemical and biological analyses no
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne 2500 n miles H90
Other chemical oceanographic measurements
Underway seawater sampling for continuous chemical and biological measurements no
MPICMZ Williams Jonathan 2500 n miles M02
Incident radiation
Air and aerosol sampling no
MPICMZ Williams Jonathan 2500 n miles M06
Routine standard measurements
Air and aerosol sampling no
MPICMZ Williams Jonathan 2500 n miles M71
Atmospheric chemistry
Air and aerosol sampling no
MPICMZ Williams Jonathan 2500 n miles M90
Other meteorological measurements
Air and aerosol sampling no

Verankerungen / Moorings

Typ der Messungen
Type of measurements
Daten im DOD
Data in DOD
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne D05 Deployment of SVP surface drifter (Argos position, SST); July 14, 2006 18° 2.3' N 26° 1.5' W -
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne D05 Deployment of SVP surface drifter (Argos position, SST); July 19, 2007 18° 0.0' N 16° 29.9' W -
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne D05 Deployment of SVP surface drifter (Argos position, SST); July 21, 2007 18° 30.2' N 17° 59.8' W -
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne D05 Deployment of SVP surface drifter (Argos position, SST); July 25, 2007 19° 57.0' N 18° 0.3' W -
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne D05 Deployment of SVP surface drifter (Argos position, SST); July 27, 2007 19° 44.1' N 17° 3.3' W -
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne D06 Deployment of ARGO float (p, S, T); August 2, 2006 19° 58.0' N 20° 59.4' W -
IFMGEO Kotzinger Arne D06 Deployment of ARGO float (p, S, T); July 18, 2006 18° 0.0' N 19° 1.0' W -