Deutsches Ozeanographisches
Inventur der Sonne1-Reise 173-2 (DOD-Ref-No.20040060)
Inventory of Sonne1 Cruise 173-2 (DOD-Ref-No.20040060)
Plattform Platform |
Reise-Nr. Cruise-No. |
Zeitraum Period |
Projekt Project |
Arbeitsgebiet Working area |
Sonne1 | 173-2 | 08.08.2003 - 02.09.2003 | SFB 574 SEDUCTION & SUBDUCTION II |
NW Pacific (Limit 180?) |
Fahrtleiter Chief Scientist | Institut Institute | Auslaufhafen Port of departure | Einlaufhafen Port of return | Stationskarte Station map | Schiffsroute Trackchart |
Weinrebe W. | Forschungszentrum fur Marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel | Caldera | Caldera |
Ziel der Reise / Objectives of Cruise:
Cruise SO-173/2 was set about to collect high-resolution multibeam bathymetry and magnetic data of the subduction zone off Pacific Guatemala and El Salvador to study the neotectonics of the Middle American continental margin. An area of approximately 170 nm x 100 nm off Guatemala and 145 nm x 60 nm off El Salvador was mapped during the cruise. To study sensory mechanisms of mesopelagic fish a group of biologists headed by Prof. Wagner, Anatomisches Institut, Universitat Tubingen collected samples of mesopelagic fish off Guatemala and Nicaragua.
Messungen / Measurements
Institut Institute |
Wissenschaftler Scientist |
Anzahl Number |
Einheit Unit |
Typ der Messungen Type of measurements |
Kommentar Comments |
Daten im DOD Data in DOD |
GPITB | Wagner Hans Joachim | 18 | trawls | B90 Other biological / fishery measurements |
trawls of mesopelagic fish | no |
GEOMAR | Weinrebe W. | 2 | stations | G01 Dredge |
dredges | no |
GEOMAR | Ranero Cesar | 2924 | n miles | G28 Magnetic measurements |
magnetic field, total intensity | no |
GEOMAR | Weinrebe W. | 3769 | n miles | G74 Multi-beam echosounding |
multibeam bathymetry | no |
GEOMAR | Weinrebe W. | 1 | n miles | H80 Other physical measurements |
Underway measurements during the whole trip such as coordinates, depth, meteorological parameter and so on | yes |
Verankerungen / Moorings
Institut Institute |
Wissenschaftler Scientist |
Typ der Messungen Type of measurements |
Kommentar Comments |
geogr.Breite Latitude |
geogr.Länge Longitude |
Daten im DOD Data in DOD |
GEOMAR | Grevemeyer I. | G90 | Deployed during SO-173/1 | 9° 56.1' N | 86° 58.5' W | - |
GEOMAR | Grevemeyer I. | G90 | Ocean bottom differential pressure gauges | 10° 10.0' N | 86° 57.0' W | - |
GEOMAR | Grevemeyer I. | G90 | Recovery of four | 10° 3.1' N | 87° 3.5' W | - |
GEOMAR | Grevemeyer I. | G90 | To detect local and regional earthquake activity | 10° 4.0' N | 86° 50.6' W | - |