Deutsches Ozeanographisches
Inventur der Sonne1-Reise 174-1+2 (DOD-Ref-No.20040025)
Inventory of Sonne1 Cruise 174-1+2 (DOD-Ref-No.20040025)
Plattform Platform |
Reise-Nr. Cruise-No. |
Zeitraum Period |
Projekt Project |
Arbeitsgebiet Working area |
Sonne1 | 174-1+2 | 02.10.2003 - 11.11.2003 | MUMM LOTUS OTEGA II |
Gulf of Mexico |
Fahrtleiter Chief Scientist | Institut Institute | Auslaufhafen Port of departure | Einlaufhafen Port of return | Stationskarte Station map | Schiffsroute Trackchart |
Bohrmann Gerhard | Forschungszentrum fur Marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel | Balboa | Miami |
Ziel der Reise / Objectives of Cruise:
The R/V SONNE cruise was dedicated to interdisciplinary work in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) on near-surface-gas hydrate. During the first leg the ship operated in the northern GOM along the continental slope of Texas in several lease blocks of the Green Canyon Area. After a mid-leg stop in the harbour of Corpus Christi (24-26 October) the R/V SONNE worked for the first time in the southern GOM, Mexican waters, in the area of the Sigsbee Knolls, northern Campeche Knolls and on the Yucatan shelf. Additional sampling work in some areas of the Green Canyon completed the scientific program in the northern Gulf.
Messungen / Measurements
Institut Institute |
Wissenschaftler Scientist |
Anzahl Number |
Einheit Unit |
Typ der Messungen Type of measurements |
Kommentar Comments |
Daten im DOD Data in DOD |
GEOUNB | Bohrmann Gerhard | 12 | stations | G02 Grab |
TV-guided grab samples | no |
AWI | Boetius Antje | 19 | stations | G04 Core-soft bottom (no. of cores) |
TV-guided multiple corer | no |
GEOUNB | Bohrmann Gerhard | 31 | stations | G04 Core-soft bottom (no. of cores) |
12 stations: TV-guided multiple autoclave corer 15 stations: Gravity corer 4 stations: Dynamic autoclave piston corer | no |
GEOUNB | Bohrmann Gerhard | 17 | stations | G08 Bottom photography |
OFOS (Ocean Floor Observation System) | no |
GEOMAR | Linke Peter | 41 | stations | G71 In-situ sea floor measurements |
Lander deployments | no |
GEOUNB | Bohrmann Gerhard | 61 | stations | G74 Multi-beam echosounding |
Multi-beam echosounding, parametrical subbottom profiler. flare imaging | no |
GEOUNB | Bohrmann Gerhard | 8 | stations | H10 CTD-Stations |
CTD stations, dissolved methane, water sound & temperatur | no |