Deutsches Ozeanographisches
Datenzentrum Inventur der Meteor-Reise M43-2 (DOD-Ref-No.19990030)
Inventory of Meteor Cruise M43-2 (DOD-Ref-No.19990030)

Working area
Meteor M43-2 28.12.1998 - 14.01.1999 OMEX
NE Atlantic (Limit 40?W)  

Chief Scientist
Port of departure
Port of return
Station map
Graf G. Forschungszentrum fur Marine Geowissenschaften, Kiel Las Palmas Cadiz Karte

Ziel der Reise / Objectives of Cruise:

The Ocean Margin Exchange project (OMEX) was established to address specific problems associated with the understanding physical, biological, chemical and sedimentological processes occuring alone the NW European Shelf Break. Phase 2 of the project (1997-2000) focussed on the Iberian Margin.

Messungen / Measurements

Typ der Messungen
Type of measurements
Daten im DOD
Data in DOD
NIOZ Lavaleye M. 6 stations B02
Phytoplankton pigments (e.g. chlorophyll, fluorescence)
Phytopigments profiles on multicores no
IFMKI Peinert R. 1 stations B02
Phytoplankton pigments (e.g. chlorophyll, fluorescence)
570m sediment trap, 592m RCM8 + transmissometer, 645m stand-alone pump, 1054m sediment trap, 1075m RCM8, 1753m sediment trap, 1785m RCM8 + transmissometer (flooded) - mooring recovered no
IFMKI Peinert R. 9 months B02
Phytoplankton pigments (e.g. chlorophyll, fluorescence)
- no
IFMKI Peinert R. 1 stations B03
570m sediment trap, 592m RCM8 + transmissometer, 645m stand-alone pump, 1054m sediment trap, 1075m RCM8, 1753m sediment trap, 1785m RCM8 + transmissometer (flooded) - mooring recovered no
UHIO Miller A. 13 stations B06
Dissolved organic matter (e.g. DOC)
- no
MPIPLO Witzel P. 7 stations B07
Pelagic bacteria / micro-organisms
- no
IFMKI Peinert R. 1 stations B08
570m sediment trap, 592m RCM8 + transmissometer, 645m stand-alone pump, 1054m sediment trap, 1075m RCM8, 1753m sediment trap, 1785m RCM8 + transmissometer (flooded) - mooring recovered no
MPIPLO Witzel P. 7 stations B16
Benthic bacteria / micro-organisms
Microbiological studies on surface sediment + overlying water no
UHRB Graf G. 6 stations B18
Box core samples for macrofauna + sod incubations on multicores no
UAV Quintino V. 7 stations B18
- no
IFMKI Peinert R. 1 stations B71
Particulate organic matter (e.g. POC, PON)
570m sediment trap, 592m RCM8 + transmissometer, 645m stand-alone pump, 1054m sediment trap, 1075m RCM8, 1753m sediment trap, 1785m RCM8 + transmissometer (flooded) - mooring recovered no
IFMKI Peinert R. 9 months B71
Particulate organic matter (e.g. POC, PON)
- no
IFMKI Peinert R. 1 stations B73
Sediment traps
570m sediment trap, 592m RCM8 + transmissometer, 645m stand-alone pump, 1054m sediment trap, 1075m RCM8, 1753m sediment trap, 1785m RCM8 + transmissometer (flooded) - mooring recovered no
IFMKI Peinert R. 9 months B73
Sediment traps
- no
IFMKI Peinert R. 1 stations D01
Current meters
570m sediment trap, 592m RCM8 + transmissometer, 645m stand-alone pump, 1054m sediment trap, 1075m RCM8, 1753m sediment trap, 1785m RCM8 + transmissometer (flooded) - mooring recovered no
IFMKI Peinert R. 9 months D01
Current meters
- no
UWAL Barton D. 4 stations D05
Drifters (number)
Holey sock drogued ARGOS buoy deployed no
UWAL Barton D. 12 day(s) D71
Current profiler (e.g. ADCP)
- no
UALG Diaz A. 9 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Grain size, mineralogy + carbonates, forams on box cores no
GEOMAR Thomsen L. 7 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Critical shear velosity by flume experiment on box-multicores no
NIOZ Lavaleye M. 6 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Phytopigments profiles on multicores no
MPIPLO Witzel P. 7 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Microbiological studies on surface sediment + overlying water no
LSCE Schmidt S. 6 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Sediment core radionuclide profiles (bioturbation) no
UAV Quintino V. 7 stations G04
Core-soft bottom (no. of cores)
Macrofauna no
GEOMAR Thomsen L. 3 stations G08
Bottom photography
Benthic lander with bottom sampler, video cameras, trap+obs no
GEOMAR Thomsen L. 3 stations G71
In-situ sea floor measurements
Benthic lander with bottom sampler, video cameras, trap+obs no
BODC Lowry R. 15 day(s) G73
Single-beam echosounding
- no
UHRB Graf G. 2690 km G74
Multi-beam echosounding
- yes
UALG Diaz A. 30 hour(s) G75
Single channel seismic reflection
Parasound seismic profiling no
UHRB Graf G. 17 stations H00
- no
IFMKI Wallace D. 12 stations H09
Water bottle stations
- no
UVL Frankienoulle M. 13 stations H09
Water bottle stations
- no
MPIPLO Witzel P. 7 stations H09
Water bottle stations
- no
GEOMAR Keis R. 13 stations H09
Water bottle stations
- no
IFMKI Peinert R. 7 stations H09
Water bottle stations
- no
LSCE Schmidt S. 7 stations H09
Water bottle stations
Radionuclide determination on water samples for particle residence time no
BODC Lowry R. 43 casts H10
- no
BODC Lowry R. 15 day(s) H11
Sub-surface measurements underway (T, S)
- no
BODC Lowry R. 43 casts H16
Transparency (e.g. transmissometer)
- no
IFMKI Peinert R. 9 months H16
Transparency (e.g. transmissometer)
- no
IFMKI Peinert R. 1 stations H17
Optics (e.g. underwater light levels)
570m sediment trap, 592m RCM8 + transmissometer, 645m stand-alone pump, 1054m sediment trap, 1075m RCM8, 1753m sediment trap, 1785m RCM8 + transmissometer (flooded) - mooring recovered no
UVL Frankienoulle M. 13 stations H21
- no
UVL Frankienoulle M. 17 day(s) H21
- no
BODC Lowry R. 43 casts H21
- no
GEOMAR Keis R. 13 stations H22
- no
UVL Frankienoulle M. 13 stations H27
- no
UVL Frankienoulle M. 17 day(s) H27
- no
IFMKI Wallace D. 12 stations H28
- no
UVL Frankienoulle M. 13 stations H28
- no
UVL Frankienoulle M. 17 day(s) H28
- no
LSCE Schmidt S. 7 stations H31
Radionuclide determination on water samples for particle residence time no
GEOMAR Keis R. 13 stations H32
- no
GEOMAR Keis R. 17 day(s) H33
Other dissolved gases
- no
UVL Frankienoulle M. 17 day(s) H74
Carbon dioxide
- no
GEOMAR Keis R. 17 day(s) H74
Carbon dioxide
- no
UHRB Graf G. 6 stations H90
Other chemical oceanographic measurements
Box core samples for macrofauna + sod incubations on multicores no
GEOMAR Keis R. 13 stations H90
Other chemical oceanographic measurements
- no
BODC Lowry R. 15 day(s) M02
Incident radiation
- no
BODC Lowry R. 15 day(s) M06
Routine standard measurements
- no
GEOMAR Keis R. 17 day(s) M71
Atmospheric chemistry
- no